The following student team members make it happen!
Izzy T
Logan D
Season joined: 2016-2017
Graduation year: 2020
Hello, my name is Logan D. I joined the high school Red Hot Chili Bots team on 8/11/16. I enjoy Computer Aided Design and 3D modeling on blender and learning how to animate. I race Go-Karts on weekends. I enjoy photography and video editing.
Grant D
Season joined: 2016-2017
Graduation year: 2020
Hello, my name is Grant D. I’m a freshmen at Marshall high school. I started September 6, 2016. I like to hunt, fish, play baseball, and woodwork. I like to work on SoildWorks (CAD), and work on the robot.
Conner E
Season joined: 2015-2016
Graduation year: 2019
Hello, my name is Conner E, and I am a sophomore at Marshall High School. I joined robotics last year as a freshman. I am currently working as a programmer, specializing in vision processing. I joined robotics because I thought it would be cool, and it was!
Liana S
Lydia H
Season joined: 2016-2017
Graduation year: 2020
Hello, My name is Lydia H. I am a freshman at MHS. I am a senior girl scout and am currently working on my gold award. I am also in the GSA and the psychology club.
Kyle W
Logan D
Ian L
Season joined: 2015-2016
Graduation year: 2019
Hi, my names is Ian L and I love robotics. Some of my other hobbies include watching sports, drawing, reading, and spending time with my awesome friends. I am a sophomore at MHS.
Kaitlyn M
Todd H
Sylvia S
Season joined: 2015-2016
Graduation year: 2019
Hello, my name is Sylvia S. I am a sophomore and a member of the Software Squad. I joined the team in order to gain experiences that I wouldn’t be able to have otherwise. I love gaming, singing, and testing my creative abilities.
Larsen S
Chris W
Season joined: 2016-2017
Graduation year: 2020
My name is Chris and it’s my first year at the high school. I like to play video games. The reason I’m in robotics is because I want to learn how to program and I like to tinker with stuff. I’ve been in robotics(FTC) for a year and a half. I Have learned to stuff like how to use motors.
Darian D